Sunday, 24 June 2012

Fullerene Art

Rats fed on a diet of fullerene dissolved in olive oil, doubled their lifespan.

Here is a photograph of the City of London, viewed through a bottle of fullerene carbon 60 dissolved in olive oil.
The world's first fullerene art?
And this is what this purple liquid does to rats:

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Poetry in Motion

In 2007, R. Brooks wrote a text message to D. Cameron, on the eve of his giving an important speech.

The message's language has cadence, rhythm, balance and uncomfortable imbalance in just the right places.

To my mind, it is a rather excellent piece of poetry. Dense, full of underlying nuance, prickly.

Here it is.

The only alterations I have made is ordering it into lines, and adding a colon at the end of the fifth line, and quote marks around 'Times'.

A Message to Cameron
by R. Brooks

But seriously
I do understand the issue with the 'Times'.

Let's discuss
Over country supper soon.

On the party:
It was because I had asked a number of NI people
To Manchester
Post endorsement
And they were disappointed not to see you.

But as always Sam was wonderful
(And I thought it was OE's were charm personfied!)

I am so rooting for you tomorrow
Not just as a proud friend
But because professionally
We're definitely in this together!

Speech of your life?
Yes he Cam!

N.I.  - News International, Brook's employer
O.E.  - Old Etonian, an elite public (private) school.
Sam - Cameron's wife

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Fullerene in olive oil after 3 weeks

What reactions are taking place in the olive oil, to turn it from the usual yellow-green (olive?) colour, to this?

Here is a collection of papers that deal with aspects of fullerene triglyceride interactions, that may,or may not, throw some light on the reactions in olive oil: